Sunday, August 26, 2007

Money Talks

Why is money so important? We use it to buy things (anything at all). We use it to pay for anything and everything under the sun and the moon. It is so important that it is also the basis of our very lives. We talked money with our loved ones- ask money for grocery, children's education, allowance, for a new pair of shoes, for autoload, etc. We also make money as the basis of everything in our lives- some work abroad because money is there even if one doesn't like to leave his family, some will work for a job that is not related to his course just because the other job pays more.

Many people do things they do not really want because of money. How ironic it is that money can make us do things we wanted- like shop, dine, watch movies etc- but money also makes us do things we do not want to do. Like for example, take nursing even if you actually like fine arts or work in a call center even if you really want to be a writer.

It is just sad to hear stories such as this and it all is money-related. Money is so important, yet only a few have them. It controls our nation, our family, our life. It is just unfortunate for us that our country is in poverty level. And I don't know how to solve a problem such as money. Everyday I see people lining up for a Lotto ticket (very long line). Al of them wanted to win the big prize, and I'm sure most of them are not expecting to. It's just that they want something to hold on to and something to hope for.

Books now are all into how to make money, grow rich and create the best business in the world. It's all very helpful and it's nice for them to share their expertise. But it's kinda disturbing also that there are a hundred books about the topic. It's all about money. Although I must say that money is not evil. It is just how we use and maybe how we acquire them that must be thought about. Well, even I want more money. I want to be very rich. And I guess that is where the problem starts.

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