Wednesday, August 8, 2007


It's raining right now and it had been for 3 days already. The good thing is that it helps the dry lands in the Philippines. The bad side is that it killed more than 10 people in some provinces. The weather is really weird here in Manila and all over the world, i guess. It's already August and there were no tropical storms during the past months, which on normal circumstances, storms occur this time of the year. Is this what Al Gore is talking about?

Not only the Philippines is experiencing such weather abnormalities. One can see that the rest of planet Earth also feels it. Flood in England, heat waves in Europe, snowfall in South Africa and moonsoon rains in South Asia- it doesn't look good.

Weird weather patterns look familiar. They are the very plot in Hollywood movies wherein a tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption or ice melting happens. Kinda scary right. But well, life must go on. People don't really care (or they care very much then forget about it the next day). Climate change has been the issue now in a lot of international conventions including the World Economic Forum last year at Davos and the recently concluded ASEAN Ministerial Summit in Manila. I hope good reforms and changes are comming up.

It has stop raining as I write this, but I am sure the clouds will cry again later. Generally, this rain is good for the country. After all, this rain increases water level in the dams. And that's good news. God has actually answered the prayers of his people, right after Archbishop Rosales urged all parishes to pray for rain. I just hope it doesn't rain too much.

As they say, if it rains, it pours. Well, I guess that's not a good quote to end this blog entry. But anyway, this blog entry will be a start of both deep and shallow insights on life, death and everything else in between.

I'll go watch again An Inconvenient Truth.

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